Face to Face – May 2024
Enjoy the latest City Mission news update here with stories of hope and change and news updates. Download the newsletter here
Enjoy the latest City Mission news update here with stories of hope and change and news updates. Download the newsletter here
Enjoy the latest City Mission news update here with stories of hope and change and news updates. Download the newsletter here.
You know you are doing something special when the Department of Correctional Services calls you to a meeting, wanting to know what you are doing as there is a significant drop in re-offence, and in interviews, your name comes up repeatedly. This is what happened to Blondy Williams, who is part of the City Mission…
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Enjoy the latest City Mission news update here with stories of hope and change and news updates.
Looking Back to Move Forward – read our latest newsletter full of news, stories of hope and transformation and opportunities to join us.
I invite you to join us this month by making a financial contribution that will remove obstacles and set young men and women on a path to personal change and success. Click this link to become part of their change.
I adopted wrong role models, and made many wrong decisions for my life,” he says, drowning in a sea of forced survival with very few waves of opportunity. At that stage, leaving school felt like the best option…
The trauma of not being fully accepted anywhere, and not having a ‘home’, sleeping alone in homes that were not his own, going to bed hungry night after night, is etched on Mnu’s face as he tells his story. […]
How City Mission helped one young woman find hope and vision for her life “I have faced many challenges,” says Lazola Hoya as she describes some of what she has endured, from her upbringing in King Wiliams Town in a home hard hit by unemployment, to her new season in Khayelitsha as a young adult…
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How one woman’s life has changed with faith in Jesus, support from committed organisations and a sisterhood that prays and stays together. “I started with drugs when I was 18 years old because I heard it helped a person lose weight, and I was struggling then,” says Chilli (Charity) Ndimande, “as all my siblings could…
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